Ten Things I Learned in Portland, Oregon
- Those dams Woody Guthrie sang about are out this way.
- You can get just about anywhere armed with a bus pass and a basic understanding of three bus routes.
- I like artichokes more than I think I do but I’m still not crazy about kalamata olives.
- The hot chicks do all wear glasses like the song says. Even the road-construction-crew chicks.
- The musicians out here aren’t exactly hung up on the whole punctuality thing either.
- The subway trains run right up on the streets in the daylight, showing no fear of the sun or of being seen in public.
- They don’t call it “Downtown.” They call it “City Center.”
- It’s cool to be able to wake to sunshine, drive up a mountain in a blinding snowstorm where they recommend tire chains, drive back to sunshine, then head off to the ocean (with sandy beach and everything) all inside of 24 hours.
- My pronunciation of “printer,” when talking about computer peripherals (“prinner”), is a Pacific Northwest thing. Probably an artifact of so much tech coming from there.
- I still like traveling with my wife.
- Bonus Seattle Thing: I thought the Space Needle would be a lot taller.
For those of you who’ve forgotten, here’s the Ten Things, Santa Fe Edition:
- I like planes that seat more than 18 people.
- I like more oxygen than they have there.
- Albuquerque is 19 exits North-South and 17 exits East-West.
- The Spanish owned the Philippines in the 1500’s.
- It’s not the corkscrew, it’s the foil cutter blade that upsets Homeland Security.
- AngelFire Water really works.
- I like hot mineral bath soaks, wraps, and massages better than you’d think.
- When you change your flight plans, it’s probably best to let the airline know about it.
- Red or Green? Both, please.
- I like traveling with my wife.
hmm…I could probably add some…let me think… How about bonus #12: I really like the Pacific Northwest?